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Along with the volunteer governors, club facilitators and PTA members, many other parents/carers offer their time on a regular basis to help at our school.  Activities that parents/carers volunteer for include:

  • reading with children
  • transporting pupils to sports fixtures and other events
  • taking assemblies in areas of expertise or interest
  • getting involved in "community day" activities, eg painting the school
  • helping with the School Library

We are always extremely grateful to anyone who can help out at school and appreciative of the time given despite people's busy schedules.  The involvement of the parent/carer community at Hawes Down Primary is exceptional and the children's experience during their time here is further enriched because of it.

If you would like to volunteer, please speak to the school office and they will give you a volunteer induction booklet, an application form and organise a DBS check for you.

Volunteer Induction Booklet

Volunteer Driver Form

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